At the WEF in Davos this year, Google CEO Sundar Pichai stated that artificial intelligence (AI) is the best thing man has ever created. If this is true, then it would be advisable to examine the world of AI with a positive and open mindset.


Riccardo Sotgiu is the managing director of Loson, a company in the field of composites for the development of projects and products which transform polymer-like composite materials reinforced with high mechanical characteristics fibers CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer). Mr. Sotgiu believes artificial intelligence is the present, “the now” and should be presented as such in schools. The fields in which his company operates range from aeronautics to boating, from advanced automation to telecommunications, from mock-up to design.


Founded in 2006, Loson now has 20 employees last year saw a turnover of 2.2 million euros. Loson has always believed in innovation and combines customer satisfaction with cutting-edge technology. In recent years the company has established a collaboration with Comau, a company based in Turin. Comau is part of the Fca group specialized in industrial automation, machine tools and robots within the automotive industry.

Mr. Riccardo Sotgiu, Loson’s Ceo

Mr. Sotgiu, a mechatronic engineer specialized in composite materials and semiconductors, considers AI a grand opportunity. “Through AI, you are able to automate a wide variety of tasks. This easy automation will ultimately allow humans to explore other realities.” Innovation is the key to a successful company, he says. “Customers today look for innovative products and companies. The R&D sector used to be unimportant, often used as an excuse to obtain resources that were then used in other areas. That is no longer the case today. Customers often make requests that compel companies – mine included – to go further, to push our limits. The technical aspect is therefore always evolving, becoming more and more sophisticated.”

Innovation is also linked to the distinctly Italian concept of beauty. Engineering mechanical projects can be made extremely elegant, and many companies place aesthetics as a high priority in the creation of new products. Even collaborative robots – with their mechanical arms which work and interact with humans in an industrial or manufacturing process – can be beautiful. “Design is essential in the invention of a robot. People have a hard time accepting robots, and if we can somehow make these robots more visually appealing, the public might be less afraid of their integration into society. Robots are simply an appliance, like a washing machine. Design is fundamental in promoting an understanding of their role in everyday life.”

Historically, new inventions tend to stir mistrust and fear when first unveiled. This fact also applies to AI. “AI is very advanced, and schools should start teaching students about its role in society to promote awareness,” explains Sotgiu. “We must not be afraid. Humans have always sought to innovate and grow – that’s how we got here – and this determination has always created new opportunities. This is AI today, and the possibilities it can generate continue to multiply. The days of manual labor and repetitive work are coming to an end. Before long, mankind will be able to devote himself to tasks involving creativity, critical thinking, and empathy. Because of AI, we will soon be free focus on the well-being of human kind, and subjects such as psychology, on art… breaking away from the mechanical part to which the machine will dedicate itself fully. Some even speak of a neo-humanism, in the light of a recent boom in classical studies. In the future, perhaps the world of machines will begin to be thought of in psychological terms as well, and how they can provide a service that is valid for man. But this is for future generations to consider.”